Archive for July 30th, 2008

Dinner and Snack Attack


Yoga tonight was great! Since it was such a dreary day our instructor decided that we all needed an extra-energizing practice to invigorate us since the weather was pretty sleep-inducing. It ended up being a really hard, sweaty class–just how I like it!

I’m really glad I had prepared dinner in advance because once I got home and showered all I wanted to do was eat! I made a sort of Chicken Casserole and it was so easy! I just cooked up some chicken, then added some steamed broccoli and a mix of cream of mushroom soup, skim milk, dijon mustard, and cheddar cheese. Brought it to a boil and simmered for 10 minutes, and it was done! No chopping or dicing required. To go with it and soak up some of the liquid (although it did thicken up really nicely) was some brown rice. This was a really delicious, comforting meal that filled me right up.

Snack Attack

Even though I was full from dinner I was in a very snack-y mood. I think it’s because of the super-intense workout day yesterday. I’ve noticed that my body has a delayed reaction with exercise and hunger. When I work out extra hard it actually kills my appetite for the day. The next day however–I want to eat everything in sight! I kept it under control by thinking about what I was craving and then working to satisfy that rather than just grabbing anything that resembles food. I wanted something cold and juicy, but still sweet. 

Fruit! Obviously—I am addicted after all. Tonight I knew that wasn’t going to do the trick entirely though so I had one of these Skinny Cow Mint Dippers. I just had one, not the whole box. Although they are so good that I would happily eat the whole box.

After this my mouth still wanted to keep eating and I didn’t want to just start sticking my hand in cereal boxes and into the chocolate chip bag—something that unfortunately used to be an everyday bad habit of mine. I decided on a mini popcorn. It’s salty and sweet, and with lots of little pieces that take a long time to eat. This was the perfect decision because by the time I was done my mind finally caught up with my stomach and realized that it didn’t need anything else tonight. Success! I don’t know exactly how long it’s been, but it has been a good while (maybe since Martini party?) that I’ve gone without mindless munching/unauthorized/unphotographed bites and snacks. This blog is really working its magic with my self-control!  

Goodnight everyone!


Today has been quite the productive day. I’ve already gone to work, updated my resume, studied, ran errands, and cooked dinner in advance (boy does it look/smell good!) And today has been full of good eats already. After I’m done posting I’m off to yoga from 615-745 then racing home to devour my delicious dinner! 


The one good thing about going to work early this morning was the fact that I had this amazing breakfast to fuel me through the day. Fage, wheatberries, fruit, and flax. Perfect. Along with my three cup of coffee, I was energized, full, and my tastebuds were very happy.


I luckily had a pretty short day today and managed to wait until I got home to eat lunch. I’m glad I did because a home-cooked meal is SO much better than a packed one, in my opinion. 

Lunch was sort of a random assortment of things, but it was what I was craving, and ended up being amazingly delicious. I cooked a sweet potato in the microwave, and made a small omelet with 1/4c eggbeaters, roasted red peppers, basil, and laughing cow cheese. Alongside I had the sweetest gala apple I’ve had in a long time. This meal was SO good, very filling and comforting, and very yellow/orange!


Since dinner isn’t going to be until 8:30ish and I need my energy for yoga I had a snack this afternoon of a ww english muffin and Cinnamon Raisin PB. Man, was this good. The PB got all gooey from the heat of the english muffin, and the raisins added the perfect chewiness. Divine.

Random Reminiscing

This summer has had a few nice days but it has rained entirely too much. Today is no exception–rain, rain, rain. It really makes me miss the amazing weather I had last summer when I was living in Haifa, Israel. It was gorgeous every. single. day. So now while I’m working and studying away I really wish I could travel back in time and re-live my summer last year: relaxing on the Mediterranean, traveling, and learning Hebrew. It was by far the best experience of my life and I learned and grew so much as a person. I can’t wait to go back again, hopefully soon!

First is what I’m looking at out my window right now, and second is what I had the pleasure of viewing every day last summer. Sigh….

Email Me

Email me any questions, comments, concerns, or if you just want to chat!
July 2008