Archive for February 19th, 2009

Yoga to the Rescue

Honestly guys, I don’t know what I would do without yoga. It was a lifesaver again today. I was so stressed out and last night and this morning everything kept going wrong. I was on the verge of tears all day and so I just let out all my frustrations in my yoga practice by putting all my focus and energy into my breathing and being the strongest I can be. It worked–I feel so much better now! Whew.

The internet still isn’t working (and the Comcast guy can’t come until MONDAY!!) GRRRRR. So I’ll post whenever I can until then, and I want to apologize in advance if I can’t comment much until then. 


I was really hungry when I woke up so I knew I needed something heavy to fill my grumbling tummy. I had 1 cup 2% fage, apple, and bran buds. I love this breakfast and it kept me full all morning. I decided to switch it up for you guys and give you a pre-mix shot:



My school is so weird and randomly switches up the days of the week, so even though today is Thursday we had a Monday schedule which meant yoga! As I mentioned before it was awesome, and I had my usual pre-yoga lunch: honey almond butter sandwich, pear, and carrots. You want to know a secret? I used to hate peanut butters (and all nut-butters) up until about a year ago–really it wasn’t until I started reading blogs that I gave it another chance. It’s blasphemy, I know! Thank goodness I saw the err in my ways because I seriously have to have some pb every day now!


All right, time to go do some homework. Is it spring break yet?

Email Me

Email me any questions, comments, concerns, or if you just want to chat!
February 2009